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Saturday 26 October 2013

Comet ISON Getting Bigger - Nearly Doubled in Size in 10 Days!

Via Flickr:
Ten days ago on October 15, 2013, I posted an image here that I took showing Comet ISON and how it looked at the time.

On October 25, 2013 I imaged it again. I put the two images together to show how Comet ISON has grown in size and brightness. Please note that all the equipment used to take the images and the image size are all the same.

The only difference was the moon was pretty bright this morning when I took the images, so the background is not as dark. Also, I managed to take four more sub-images than last time, which isn’t much by imaging standards. In a week or so, the moon will be gone from the sky and Comet ISON should be even bigger, better and much brighter!

I did not expect it to be as good as it was this morning, to tell the truth. However, I am still not able to see it in binoculars in the light polluted skies I have, but I think that will change by the time the moon is out of the way, if things keep going the way they are.

So, for all those interested in seeing Comet ISON for yourself, get ready! It looks like it will put on a show for all amateur astronomers, whether you’re an expert or a novice. The general public might not be too impressed at this point, but maybe when it gets closer to perihelion, they will take notice.

Clear skies!

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